Public Transport

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Wiener Linien: Vienna Meeting Ticket

The Vienna Meeting Ticket enables participants to make unlimited use of all means of public transport in Vienna (Kernzone Wien) for the entire duration of the event.

The fare per ticket (minimum number of tickets: 150) is f.e. EUR 17.10 for three days, EUR 19.70 for 4-7 days. Wiener Linien also offers discounts from 2 % (from 500 tickets) to 30 % (from 10,000 tickets) for large meetings.

The Vienna Meeting Ticket can be personalised by adding the logo of the event or some additional text. If over 3,000 tickets are ordered, the congress badge may even be used as the ticket.

Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG, Department for Sales & Consulting

Print@Home ticket

Due to a technical change on the part of Wiener Linien, the Print@Home version of the Vienna Meeting Ticket cannot be offered until further notice since December 1, 2023.

As an alternative for a digital option, please temporarily refer to the general ticket range in the WienMobil store:

The following ticket offers might be of interest:

  • 24 hours Vienna á EUR 8,00 (valid from the specified date and time)
  • 48 hours Vienna á EUR 14,10 (valid from the specified date and time)
  • 7 days Vienna á EUR 17,10

For airport transfer (with Vienna Airport Lines or City Airport Train), a digital ticket can also be purchased separately via the WienMobil Shop.

Advantages of a digital ticket purchase:

  • In case of loss/theft, this ticket can be reprinted
  • A digital version of the ticket is possible on the smartphone (for iOS and Android)